Monday, April 4, 2011

I Won't Let Drugs and Alcohol Steal My Dreams

Dear Savanna,
       I really liked your stories and think that you are really strong and motivated not to use any form of drugs and alcohol. It really inspires me to double up on my promise to myself not to use drugs or alcohol.

       But through those stories I also won't hang out with the wrong people because it sounds like they are total Jerks who will steal all your stuff and ask you to make wrong decisions.

       I kind of know what it is like. My mom used to smoke a ton and drink also the same with my father. I have seen how hard it is to quit. It is like torture and I never want to go through that. Drugs and alcohol is one of the reasons my mom and dad split up. I haven't seen my father since the age of 5 and I am 12 now.
     I have seen how drugs ruin people's lives. One of my mom's old boyfriends had a bunch of dreams but he started on drugs at an early age and it wrecked his life. He wanted to be a doctor and so does my mom.

       I am proud of my mom for quiting drugs and alcohol and she is going to college. She is doing really well and she might have a chance to turn her life around.

       I have a dream of being a doctor and I'm not going to let drugs and alcohol get in the way. I figure it's like this, you are a large cube of ice. Your bad friend is a sculptor and drugs are the chisel. Together they can control and "chisel" away at your life.

       I am really inspired by you and hope the best for you and your family.
                                                                                              Gage Kowallis--12

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